Anxiety Therapy

Pinny Farkas, LCSW

Anxiety Therapy in New York City

Is Anxiety Keeping Your Teenager From Enjoying Their Life?

Has your teenager stopped sharing their thoughts, emotions, and challenges with you? Is your teen acting stressed out, isolating themselves from loved ones, or exhibiting other signs of anxiety while struggling to fit in or feel understood? Perhaps you worry that your teen is developing unhealthy behaviors and actions that will limit their confidence or opportunities for happiness and success. As a concerned parent, you want to help your teenager navigate adolescence and become a happy, self-assured adult, but you may not know what support or guidance they need to thrive. This is where Pinny Farkas, an experienced anxiety therapist, located in New York City, can help you understand what steps to take.

If you are a teen dealing with anxiety, you might feel overwhelmed by the symptoms, but unsure how to find relief. Living with constant anxiety can be a painful, frustrating, and even frightening experience for teenagers and adults alike. Excessive worry and changes in sleeping or eating patterns can leave you too mentally and physically exhausted to keep up with daily obligations. In an effort to find relief, you may try to avoid situations or people that trigger anxious thinking. Unfortunately, avoidance tactics can leave you feeling even more isolated and may be negatively impacting your lifestyle, relationships, and self-confidence.

It is impossible to overcome anxiety by simply hoping for it to disappear. Fortunately, with the help of an experienced anxiety therapist, you can learn strategies to take control and live without debilitating fear, stress, and anxiety.

Teens Are Especially Susceptible To Anxiety

Just about every person will experience anxiety at some point. Statistics reveal that anxiety disorders affect approximately 40 million individuals in the United States at any given time.* The stress of balancing work with raising a family and pursuing personal goals can create a lot of stress and uncertainty for anyone. However teenagers are particularly vulnerable to problems with anxiety. Navigating academics, peer pressure, and early relationships as well establishing a sense of identity and independence can be a rough but unavoidable journey for most teens. Combined with the burden of social media and the increased potential of bullying and isolation, it is no wonder that so many young people feel overwhelmed. Eventually, the pressure to succeed, be happy, and successful is so great that it can develop into symptoms of anxiety, whether you are a teen or an adult. 

In addition to daily stressors, anxiety can result from a past experience or trauma. Perhaps your parents were frequently anxious and that subconsciously conditioned you to view yourself or the world in a certain way. Or maybe you feel stuck in a stressful job or relationship, and the inability to disconnect or be honest about your wants and needs has left you caught in a cycle of anxious thoughts you can’t escape. 

Some anxiety is a natural part of being human. And anxiety isn’t always a bad thing: it can let us know when we are in danger or tell us that we need to make a change. But when fear and doubt begin to interfere with your physical and mental health, making it difficult to cope with daily life, it may be time to explore anxiety therapy.

The good news is that anxiety is very treatable, and help is available through counseling.

Anxiety Therapy Can Help You Live A Life Free Of Limitations

Professional therapy in New York City can act as a natural remedy for anxiety and teach you how to cope without the need for medication. Simply having a safe, supportive environment where you can share your experience without fear of judgment can be empowering. When you’re able to fully explore and process the thoughts and feelings that are driving your anxiety, you take some of the power back from anxiety. Instead of feeling confused or overwhelmed by triggers, you can approach solutions with a calm, rational, and hopeful mindset..

During our sessions, you will gain insight into anxiety triggers and learn new strategies to resolve the emotions and experiences that contribute to the anxiety. We will uncover, identify, and address anxiety symptoms that are impacting your life and identify practical solutions you can use to find relief right away. By taking time to develop new, healthy skills that alleviate the most distressing symptoms, you can foster greater confidence in yourself and your ability to respond to stress in the future. 

With these important skills in place, we can go beyond just managing symptoms and get to the core of your anxiety. Getting to the root of why you are struggling and revealing the underlying reasons will help you become self-assured and better able to handle anxiety-causing situations. Together, we can reveal the true and authentic reasons behind your experiences so you can develop the awareness, confidence, and practical strategies for lasting change.

No two people experience anxiety in exactly the same way, and I tailor each session to your specific needs. I draw from evidence-based treatment methods according to your unique situation and goals. By incorporating cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques, for example, you can learn to recognize and challenge negative thinking and harmful self-beliefs that are contributing to your experience with anxiety. As you progress through anxiety counseling with me, you will find that you are more able to focus on the positive, worry less, and feel more confident. 

I specialize in the treatment of anxiety and I have over a decade of experience in helping people of all ages not simply manage, but learn the tools to overcome their anxiety. I believe in a humanistic approach to help you fully understand the basis of your symptoms and how to move past your fears. If you want to find fast relief and lasting healing, I can help you minimize the impact of anxiety so you can find the joy and peace that you deserve in your life.

You may be considering anxiety therapy but still have questions or concerns…

Isn’t therapy expensive?

When anxiety interferes with daily functioning, relationships, and activities, your life is directly affected. You wouldn’t hesitate to take your teen to the doctor if they needed physical healthcare. Mental health is just as important. By deciding to invest in your teenager and yourself, you are creating a chance at a life complete with self-reliance, happiness, and contentment for both you and your loved ones.

My doctor recommended medication, but are drugs really necessary as a treatment for anxiety disorders?

Although medication can be effective in lessening anxiety symptoms and, in certain circumstances may be beneficial, it is often not necessary. Some individuals, especially with young adults, are hesitant to use medication, in part, due to unwanted side effects and potential for addictive consequences. Alternatively, my approach for natural anxiety relief can produce both relatively immediate and long-lasting results. Counseling, as a natural remedy for anxiety, focuses on identifying the underlying causes and triggers to make room for practical, more useful processes and solutions. 

I’m afraid of what other people will think if they find out that my child is in therapy.

Taking the first step toward anxiety treatment can be difficult, and you may believe that asking for help is a sign that you are not strong enough to do it on your own. But the truth is that it takes incredible strength to acknowledge there is a challenge in your life, and it is absolutely worth the effort to seek help.

Anxiety therapy is completely confidential. There is a legal responsibility to protect every client’s right to privacy by ensuring that any matters you disclose to a professional are not shared with others without your informed consent. Our sessions will allow the expression of genuine thoughts and emotions in a nonjudgmental, confidential, and safe space.

The Teenage Years Can Be Happy, Healthy, And Full Of Self-Confidence

If you or our teen in New York, NY are ready to begin anxiety therapy, please contact me at 516-666-0374 or email me at I look forward to hearing from you.
